[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] “I’m here to have a conversation with you. I do not have a speech. ...
Category: Front Page
A Valentine TrilogyA Valentine Trilogy
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] Valentine’s Day is well established in the mind of the western world, ...
When you think you are having a bad day. . .When you think you are having a bad day. . .
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] On January 20, 1890 twins were born in Runge, Texas, to a couple ...
Sand, Smugglers, and Santa Anna Helped Name Flour BluffSand, Smugglers, and Santa Anna Helped Name Flour Bluff

[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] In 1839, an unnamed cartographer sketched a map of areas surrounding Aransas and Corpus ...
“The Napoleon of the West”: A Political Cat with 9 Lives“The Napoleon of the West”: A Political Cat with 9 Lives

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna served 11 terms (6 official and 5 unofficial) as president of Mexico between ...
Eight Track Players and ObamacareEight Track Players and Obamacare
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] Ever since the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) became the law of the land, Republicans ...
What If the Mayor Calls It Quits?What If the Mayor Calls It Quits?
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] In light of Monday’s events, it is unclear if Corpus Christi Mayor Dan McQueen ...
It’s All FakeIt’s All Fake
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] At an early age, I recall seeing something scary on television and ...
Critical Thinking Skills and “Little Red Riding Hood”Critical Thinking Skills and “Little Red Riding Hood”

[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] With a new year beginning, teachers’ thoughts turn to statewide exams. In some ...
A Street by Any Other NameA Street by Any Other Name
[spacer height=”20px”] [spacer height=”20px”] Back in 1959, before Corpus Christi annexed Flour Bluff, its residents petitioned for a change of names ...