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St. Valentine
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Valentine’s Day is well established in the mind of the western world, owing of course to the Valentine’s Day tradition. How it came about is not so clear. One popular legend is that in the third century AD, a priest named Valentine defied the orders of Emperor Claudius and secretly married couples so that the husband would not have to go to war. In yet another legend, Valentine refused to sacrifice to pagan gods and was imprisoned for this. While in prison, Valentine’s prayers healed the jailer’s daughter who was suffering from blindness. On the day of his execution, he left her a note that was signed, “Your Valentine.”
While there are many legends, it is not clear where the notion of giving Valentine’s Day cards came from. It is abundantly clear that on Valentine’s Day thoughts turn to romance and love. What follows are some of my thoughts.
Ramblings of the Heart
Sometimes it’s music ringing in the ear
Sometimes the music turns to laughter
Sometimes it’s visions when no one is here
Sometimes the visions do not matter
I’ts like a symphony no one has heard before
It’s like a gallery without paintings
It’s like a dream leaving footprints on the floor
It’s like a heart that’s near to fainting
Sometimes it stings and makes a body numb
Sometimes the numbness is forgiving
Sometimes in silence it leaves you deaf and dumb
Sometimes it makes you glad you’re living
It’s like a circle that keeps going ‘round
It’s like a dream without an ending
It’s like it’s lost then somehow it’s found
It’s like a heart in need of mending
Sometimes it’s crazy ramblings of the heart
Sometimes it stirs the inner feelings
Sometimes it whispers, “We’ll never part”
Sometimes it’s love that leaves you reeling
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Too Many Darts
When dreams fail to conjure the words
I sit in silence, but my thoughts are of you
My pen doesn’t write – my paper lays empty
I struggle with words too terse and too few
Images are formed but are lost in an instant
Scattered like dust in turbulent wind
Try as I might I cannot recapture
The moment that’s lost and won’t come again
Fragments and phrases like dirges dance
Scrawled on paper are too many starts
Conclusions are skipped like the fluttering heartbeat
Cupid I think shoots too many darts
Wrestling with words and uncertain meanings
Eventually the rhythm begins to flow
Too long it took – too near the ending
All that’s left is “I love you” you know
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Words alone seem useless
Like the child that only stutters
They can’t describe the feeling
Of the heart that flits and flutters
In the presence of your favor
Or the passing of a kiss
Moments strung like pearls
Leading to a certain bliss
It’s the happy circumstance
That spreads the rainbow on the heart
In one majestic moment
Without end and without start
It’s the twinkle of a star
On the surface of the eye
Fragments forged I fancy
That binds you and I
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Salvatore Postiglione, Dante e Beatrice, 1906
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